How to kick-start your small business – 10 ways to convert ideas into action

June 25, 2020

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Are you ready to kick-start your small business?

You’ve finally got some time to sit back, put your feet up and think about nothing…

But it’s a busy, high-tech world. So your quiet moment quickly moves to active contemplation of your inbox, skips ahead to worry about next week’s meeting, then flips into full-out panic mode as you look at the year ahead.

But you’ve managed to switch off from the busy-ness of your business, your job and the day-to-day grind for five sweet minutes.

And then the thought hits you: a brief moment of clarity when you experience a blinding flash of genius: how to kick start your business in the year ahead.

Brilliant! You have the great idea you’ve been looking for. The solution to your problem. You have the resolution to act now and make a change. The answer has become clear in that moment of calmness.

And then… busy-ness takes over again

The trouble with that brilliant idea is: if you don’t do it now, will the idea or plan be lost forever?

The return to work after a break often means hectic days. Great ideas need to be acted upon if they are to turn into great results but things can get too busy.

Thankfully, help is at hand to get started turning these great ideas into actions that deliver results.

The following 10 tips are designed to help you kick-start your business by turning your great ideas into action…

1. Starting a new business? Get the right advice…

Got a great idea for a new business?

The first step is to get advice from a recognized professional on the best structure for your new business, the accounting and other systems you should use, and implementing a plan for how you are going to make it happen.

This will dramatically increase your business’s chance of survival.

Download our free guide on business structures here.

2. Aiming for a better work/life balance?

You want to spend more time with your kids and not have your business looming over your shoulder? Take control of your admin woes!

We believe that the purpose of owning your own business is to give you more time to live your life, not less.

We help business owners design a system that can work without them. The best time to make that happen is in the beginning. Get started today

3. Aiming to create more profit – sustainably?

Make it happen!

Read about how to achieve sales growth for profit and find out where you need to focus.

4. Aiming for a smoother-running business when you’re not there?

Did you know that documenting your business processes will save you time, money and lots of headaches?

Many business owners will say they don’t have time to document processes, or they don’t need to because they know how to do things.

But does your business run smoothly when a key employee is absent?

Read this article on what happens when Joe doesn’t turn up for work and find out where your business can do better.

5. Want to get your business ready for sale?

You think it’s time to get your business ready for sale?

Just how attractive is your business to a potential purchaser? What will a purchaser be looking for that will help you get the best price?

Contact us to learn more about how you can improve your exit readiness.

6. Have you pledged to fix your cash flow woes this year?

The first step to fixing your cash flow problem is to locate the cause.

Read the real reason your business is bleeding cash–and learn how to start fixing cash flow.

7. Aiming for more customers?

“I need more customers! How do I get them?”

It takes most business owners considerable time, money, and hard work to win new customers. Yet some are throwing customers away by not coming to grips with why the business is losing customers in the first place.

The profitability of your business may depend on retaining and increasing the number of your best existing customers.

Check out the top reasons why your business is losing customers – and what you should do about it.

8. Tired of your business controlling you?

Take back the power!

You might be the business owner but, with so much of your time and effort (both mental and emotional) going into your business. you aren’t always the best person to give an unbiased review of your business’s performance.

Before anything else, get a comprehensive and unbiased review.

This could include your business structure, team management, cash flow, marketing and financial strategies, and how you stack up against your competition.

Get started today

9. Want to get your business taxes up to date?

Do you often run late with tax lodgements and payments? This is a symptom of not having efficient, accurate and effective financial systems in place.

Not being chased by the ATO is not the only benefit of being up to date. Having up-to-date and accurate business finances helps you make informed decisions that help run your business more effectively.

Want to know more? Read tax planning vs. business health checks and contact us to get back on track and start running your business better.

10. Aiming to finally take control of your super?

Establishing an SMSF is one of the most significant decisions you can make regarding your retirement savings.

It should only be undertaken with proper consideration and an understanding of the regulations and responsibilities involved.

Want to know more?  Ready to set up your own SMSF? We can get you headed in the right direction.  Contact us to make an appointment.

We want your great ideas to become reality. That’s why we’re committed to helping you make them happen. Using professional advisers with industry experience can really help you kick-start your business. Find out more about the benefits of using external advisers in this podcast.